Barrington Plant Club

We bring the nursery to you: a huge selection of "fresh off the farm truck" plants delivered at nearly wholesale prices!

Spring Annual Pre-Order 2025

Winter blahs give way to Springtime ahhhs with the Plant Club annual pre-order!  Plan ahead and order now for your spring/summer containers, hanging baskets, annual beds plus select veggies, herbs & Proven Winners perennials... and receive your plants on a date of your choosing in April, May or June.

Order by Sunday, March 9, 2025
Receive your plants between April 9 & June 6.
Order Gift Certificates here any time.

Try Our Multiple Criteria Plant Search!

The best plants for your yard match multiple criteria: shade-tolerant AND deer-resistant perennials... natives which like wet sites... or trailing annuals with flowers just that exact shade of pink for the perfect patio pot. We hope our new search will help you more easily home in on the perfect plants for your situation. We'll probably never finish trying to make it better (new in 2025: you can optionally sort your results by "popularity" to see what other members have bought most of, and you can save a good search you've run that describes a microclimate in your yard) but please put our new search through its paces and let us know what you think!

Ever wish it were cheaper and easier to get great plants for your yard?

Us, too! It's our mission to help people enjoy becoming gardeners by making gardening easier and more affordable: the biggest variety of plants at prices anyone can afford, within 5 minutes of your house wherever you live.

Our plant buyers' club will help you get the plants you want -- from the same sources the pros use -- at almost wholesale prices, without spending hours going from store to store!

How does it work?

Several times a month during the spring and summer, we'll provide access to all types and sizes of plants and prices from a rotating list of hand-selected nurseries... Look at the photos and information on our easy to use website and if you want something, let us know. We'll order everything from the grower(s), get the plants and bring them to your home by the following weekend. That's it!

For any number of plants we can bring you without special equipment, we charge a $20 delivery fee (you can pick them up from us if you prefer). Our prices are just a bit over our costs -- in comparison to the 100%+ mark-up over wholesale typical at most area nurseries -- so you don't need to feel bad about ordering as much as you want, trying something new, giving extras to friends -- whatever makes you happy!

We've got everything you might need for your yard: annuals or perennials; small plants in flats or mature plants in big containers; Hanging baskets or patio pots for your porch. Long-time stand-bys, Illinois Natives, current favorites, and new introductions; plants for solving those problem areas in your yard, or helping you achieve goals for your yard. Even deliveries of mulch, compost or dirt.

We're also always trying to find new plants we haven't had before... Here's what's new this week! Plus, we've compiled some resources to help you dream bigger: photos of inspirational landscapes, planters and hanging baskets; a plant color wheel; and a calendar of local plant events.

Plus, a few resources to help you dream bigger: photos of inspirational landscapes, planters and hanging baskets; a plant color wheel; and a calendar of local plant events.

Popular Annuals

In Chicagoland, it's common to use annuals to jump-start spring color, either in beds or planters. The perennials which have survived the cold winter in your yard can take awhile to get going... But annuals, coming from warm greenhouses are already full of color. And there are so many kinds to experiment with!

If you're interested in creating your own planters or hanging baskets, here's a list of some cool "recipes" you can work from using plants which are available from the Plant Club right now. Want even more container inspiration? Check out our library of photos of hanging baskets and planters. Or, if you want something to show up on your porch or patio that's already in one piece, we have a growing list of hanging baskets and patio pots available for purchase.



Begonias are a profusely-flowering, low maintenance option for the garden or containers that require very little care and pack a huge punch. Keep begonias’ soil moist but not soaked, check on your variety’s light preferences (depending on the variety, begonias will produce spectacular blooms in full shade all the way to full sun), and watch out for botrytis blight, a fungal leaf infection that plagues these plants in the garden.

Begonias will bloom from spring to your first frost without any deadheading needed, but you can always pinch off old blooms or do some light pruning of the stems to promote a more incredible show. Some (tuberous) varieties can be dug up in the fall, stored, and replanted the following spring, which makes them a great investment, and all can be potted and brought inside to spend their winters as houseplants if you just can’t live without them between gardening seasons.

Begonias are members of a genus (Begonia!) containing about 1400 different subtropical and tropical perennial flowering plants often grown seasonally in cooler climates. Those include fibrous-rooted begonias like the wax begonias; cane stem types (angelwing begonias), characterized by their tall stems; and hairy begonias, which have felt-like leaves. Rhizomatous begonias include the rex begonias, grown for their brightly coloured and patterned leaves. Rieger begonias, tuberous begonias, and whopper begonias are also popular in nurseries.

  • Offer tons of color, height, and green or bronze foliage options
  • Low maintenance
  • Can tolerate full shade to full sun, depending on the variety
  • Do well in containers and planted in the ground
  • Needs extra water in extremely hot weather
  • Susceptible to botrytis, a fungal leaf disease - pick these leaves off and put in landscape waste collection (do not compost diseased plant material) / solution: water the soil, not the foliage
  • Cannot “overwinter” in the Chicago area (will need to be dug up and stored indoors or sacrificed to the snow gods in the fall)
  • Will drop their leaves if the soil is too wet or too dry for an extended length of time
Rex Begonias

Rex Begonias

You’ve probably seen Begonia rex as a houseplant, but did you know they can be stunners in the garden, too? Even though these plants do flower, they’re really prized for their strikingly colored and patterned foliage.

Rex begonias love humid conditions, but don’t like to get their feet wet . . . overwatering this plant will result in a soft, wilted mess. You can also over-fertilize this one, which will result in discolored, burned leaves and a lingering feeling that no good deed goes unpunished. Long story short, give this beauty some space and she’ll give you a season’s worth of fabulous foliage.

  • Thrives in partial to full shade
  • Gorgeously colored and patterned foliage
  • Doesn’t require deadheading for continuous blooms (but honestly, who cares about the blooms with those leaves!)
  • Can be a bit of a diva when overwatered
  • Will burn if over-fertilized
  • Susceptible to botrytis blight, a fungal leaf disease / solution: water the soil, not the foliage
Wax Begonias

Wax Begonias

Often called “Wax Begonias,” for their shiny, waxy leaves, Begonia semperflorens are a bit “vertically challenged” which makes them a beautiful choice for borders and the outside edge of mixed containers. These plants will tolerate partial shade to full sun, depending on how hot and humid their growing environment is: they’ll grow taller but bloom less in shady areas, and will be shorter but have more blooms in sun, but are prone to burning in full-sun, dry, very hot conditions.

  • Will tolerate partial shade to full sun
  • Blooms from spring until first frost
  • Doesn’t require deadheading for continuous blooms
  • Beautiful along borders or in containers
  • Prefers consistently moist soil, which could mean daily watering during hot weather...
  • ... But will wilt and/or rot if overwatered
  • Needs well-draining, loose soil to grow and thrive
  • Does best in humid conditions (only a con if you have curly hair and/or an aversion to feeling slightly sticky all the time)
  • Susceptible to botrytis blight, a fungal leaf disease / solution: water the soil, not the foliage
Whopper Begonias

Whopper Begonias

Showy and fabulous in gardens and containers, Begonia benariensis grows to a respectable 2 feet tall and likes to be the star of the show. Her shiny, waxy dark green leaves and rose-hued blooms are romantic, sure, but don’t let that fool you - this girl is tough as nails. If your version of "gardening" is to pop something in a pot in April and forget about it until the Fourth of July, Begonia benariensis might be just the boss babe you’ve been searching for.

Her tour du force? She’s happy in both sun and shade, making her a truly versatile star.

  • Blooms from spring to first frost
  • Doesn’t require deadheading for continuous blooms
  • One of very few plants that thrives in both shade and sun
  • Um... she’s too tall to wear heels?
  • But seriously, there’s very little to not love about this gal except her susceptibility to botrytis blight, a fungal leaf disease (solution: water the soil, not the foliage)
Rieger Begonias

Rieger Begonias

Begonia x hiemalis is kind of the best of two worlds. This plant is a hybrid of a tuberous begonia and a wax begonia, a match made in low-maintenance heaven. These little gems are super easy to grow and have one parents’ lovely, waxy leaves, and the other parent's tubers, making it easy to dig them up, overwinter them in a cool dry place, and pop them back in the ground come spring.

  • Thrives in part sun to full sun
  • Tubers can be dug up in the fall, overwintered in a cool dry place, and replanted in the spring
  • Doesn’t require deadheading for continuous blooms
  • Doesn’t like “wet feet,” so be sure the soil dries out between waterings
  • Susceptible to botrytis blight, a fungal leaf disease (solution: water the soil, not the foliage)
Tuberous Begonias

Tuberous Begonias

Need a pop of color for that shady corner of your garden? Look no further than Begonia x tuberhybrida! Commonly known as “tuberous begonias,” these little lovelies pack a powerful punch and are pretty unfussy, as a general rule. Their Achilles Heel is powdery mildew, so don’t plant too densely to allow for air circulation between each plant, which will help fight off this unsightly affliction.

  • Thrives in shade
  • Tubers can be dug up in the fall, overwintered in a cool dry place, and replanted in the spring
  • Doesn't require deadheading for continuous blooms
  • Doesn’t do well in full sun
  • Susceptible to powdery mildew and botrytis blight, fungal leaf diseases (solution: give them space and water the soil, not the foliage)


Calibrachoa are also called million bells or trailing petunia because of their prolific, bell-shaped flowers and their resemblance to petunias (but typically with smaller flowers). They are a fairly new ornamental, introduced in the 1990s, and rapidly gained popularity with the gardening world. Their trailing habit make them very suitable for hanging baskets and other places you might want Petunias.



Caladiums (Elephant Ear) are in the arum (Araceae) family and native to Central and South America. They are hardy only to USDA zone 9 or 10; therefore, caladiums should be used as annuals in Chicago gardens. These tropical foliage plants are grown for their decorative, multicolored foliage.

Caladium leaves are combinations of red, pink, green, and/or white, with colored midribs and contrasting backgrounds and borders. The varied leaf colors and patterns create many uses for caladiums in the landscape. The leaves do not have stems, but instead originate on long petioles emerging directly from the tuber. They may produce a greenish-white spathe flower. Caladiums are grown for their beautiful foliage; therefore, remove the flower as it takes food away from the leaf production and reduces the tuber size.

Since Caladiums prefer heat and humidity and do not tolerate cold, soggy soils, for most gardeners who live in the north will have best results in containers, as the soil in pots or planters warms up faster and has better drainage so plants will not become soggy. Remember for best growth always keep the temperatures above 65 F.

New Guinea Impatiens

New Guinea Impatiens

Commonly known as “New Guinea Impatiens,” Impatiens hawkeri are quite similar to Common Impatiens, with a plot twist: they can be grown in full sun. Their blooms are also slightly larger than their cousins’, which makes for some awkward Impatiens Family dinner conversation.

  • Can be grown in sun or shade
  • Season-long blooms
  • Well-behaved, mounding growth
  • Wide range of colors available
  • Many varieties are susceptible to powdery mildew, a fungal leaf disease
  • Not cold-hardy
Common Impatiens

Common Impatiens

Often simply called Common Impatiens, or, our favorite, "Busy Lizzy," (how cute is that!) Impatiens walleriana is one of the most grown annuals in the world. This "mounding" (read: well-behaved, full and lush) annual thrives in hanging baskets, pots, or in the ground along walkways and borders. Its true allure lies in its light requirements: this plant is one of very few shade-tolerators who offers up dense, spectacular, vibrant, long-lasting carpets of blooms from spring to early fall.

Because of that, it's a popular annual bedding plant with a wide variety of colors and does best in part shade to full shade. This plant tolerates full sun, but is a water guzzler and tends to look wilted when heat loads are high and water is less plentiful. Over watering, however, can cause rot. Flowers may be bicolored or double. This plant has low drought tolerance and is hardy in zones 10-11. This plant performs best when soil is moist, well-drained, and supplemented with organic material.

  • Thrive in shade
  • Season-long blooms
  • Well-behaved, mounding growth
  • Wide range of colors available
  • Do not do well in full sun
  • Many varieties are susceptible to powdery mildew, a fungal leaf disease
  • Not cold-hardy


Would spring even happen without a gorgeous hanging basket of petunias on every front porch?

These planter favorites are easy to care for and give much more than they take. Petunias love the sun but can tolerate partial shade. They grow best in well-drained soil (planting with a handful or two of peat moss can help with this) but should be kept moist when potted, so plan on watering these beauties every few days or daily during hot weather if you have them in a planter. Petunias are HUNGRY and should be fertilized often to promote the most blooms!

  • Tons of colors and varieties available
  • Bloom from spring until the first frost
  • Showy and colorful in planters or the garden
  • Adapt easily to most soil conditions
  • Prefer full sun, but can tolerate partial shade (6 or more hours of sun a day)
  • Dead blooms need to be pinched off to keep the plant looking its best
  • Require selective pruning to retain lushness
  • Need daily watering during hot weather
  • Prone to root and stem rot if planted in poorly-draining soil
  • Need to be fed (fertilized) often / solution: every other week with fertilizer dissolved in water or once a month with a slow release granular fertilizer in the soil

Patio Pots & Hanging Baskets

For those of us who don't have enough time to design and prepare our own patio pots and hanging baskets, we're delighted to offer a bunch of "ready to wear" planters with great plant combinations. You can just set them on your walkway or drop them into containers you already have. Every year, people wish they'd bought more of these planters and hanging baskets!

Below are descriptions of some of the available sizes:

Inspire Plus Orange Blotch Pansy

Solstice White Snapdragon

Supertunia Bordeau Petunia

Blood Orange Nemesia

What's Popular in Spring?

In Chicagoland, it's common to use annuals to jump-start spring color, either in beds or planters. The perennials which have survived the cold winter in your yard can take awhile to get going... But annuals, coming from warm greenhouses are already full of color. And there are so many kinds to experiment with!

Pansies -- colorful, easy and frost-resistant -- are one of the most popular families of early spring annuals. Snapdragons, English & African daisies, pot marigolds, lobelias, sweet alyssum, forget-me-nots, nemesia, stocks, primroses, and sweet peas can also be planted in early May after being gradually hardened off.

After that, there are lots of choices in the annual palette: Impatiens, Geraniums, Pentunias, and much more. Browse a list of Proven Winner's annual best-sellers, or search for what you're looking for in the menus above.

If you're interested in creating your own planters or hanging baskets, here's a list of some cool "recipes" you can work from using plants which are available from the Plant Club right now. Want even more container inspiration? Check out our library of photos of hanging baskets and planters. Or, if you want something to show up on your porch or patio that's already in one piece, we have a growing list of hanging baskets and patio pots available for purchase.

Getting Hy with Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are an eternal favorite because they keep your yard looking great all summer long! Their large, showy blooms are beautiful in the garden or in a pitcher of water -- and they make enough to have it both ways! And there are many, many varieties (The Plant Club can frequently get nearly 50 kinds) to choose from.

Here is a round-up of some of the main types available:

Hydrangea anomala subsp. Petiolaris (climbing)

Hydrangea anomala (Climbing Hydrangeas)

White, lacy, hand-sized blooms adorn this thick and lush climbing vine. The old adage "first they sleep, then they creep, then they leap" definitely applies here; it takes several years for a climbing hydrangea to get established, but once that’s taken care of, Hydrangea anomala will grow quickly and can reach up to 50 (yes, you read that right!) feet tall.

Climbing hydrangeas cling to their building of choice quite vigorously with small rootlets and like sun, but are content with a fair amount of shade.

Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth Hydrangea)

Hydrangea arborescens (Smooth Hydrangeas)

"Smooth" or "wild" hydrangeas tend to grow to 4-5 feet high and sport gorgeous profusions of large pompom or lacy blooms, making them a wildly popular choice for privacy plantings, borders, or focal points in the garden. These shrubs grow extremely quickly and can actually be cut back almost all the way to the ground each winter, but don’t require shaping or deadheading during the growing season.

Interestingly, these hydrangeas do not react to the pH in the soil by changing the color of their blooms like many other hydrangea varieties. Smooth hydrangeas always have greenish-white or bright white blooms that fade to a sepia-toned brown by fall and make gorgeous cut fresh or dried flowers.

Common cultivars include 'Incrediball,' 'Annabelle,' 'Invincibelle Wee White,' and 'Invincibelle Limetta.'

Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf Hydrangea)

Hydrangea macrophylla (Bigleaf Hydrangeas)

Bigleaf Hydrangeas tend to grow in a rounded manner, and can grow from 3-6 feet tall, with large leaves that are serrated and sort of oval. People love these because of their summer blooms, which last a long time, and can be either “lacecap” – with flattened flower clusters, or “mophead,” with globe shaped flower heads. If you plant this hydrangea in alkaline soil, you’ll get a plant with pink flowers. If you plant it in acid soil (or add acidifier to the soil, which is easy to do – just add a few cups to the soil periodically), you’ll get blue flowers. Tip: If the flower color of newly opened flowers is either blue, purple or pink then you have a Macrophylla type. If the flower buds open a green color, then turn white, and as they age turn green or greenish brown, you have an Arborescens type.

Common cultivars include 'Endless Summer', 'Endless Summer Crush,' and 'Blushing Bride.'

Hydrangea paniculata (Panicled Hydrangea)

Hydrangea paniculata (Panicled Hydrangeas)

Panicled Hydrangeas tend to be larger than bigleaf or smooth hydrangea and some can grow to 15 feet tall if you don’t prune them, though there are varieties for every size, including awesome dwarfs like 'Bobo,' and 'Little Lime.' Unlike the flowers of big leaf hydrangea (above), these blooms are not round ball-shaped – but instead, are more cone shaped. The flowers have a distinctive, very different look than the round ones.

Examples of paniculata hydrangeas include 'Lime Light,' 'Quick Fire,' and 'Vanilla Strawberry.'

Hydrangea quercifolia - Jetstream     

Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf Hydrangeas)

Have a shady spot that's just begging for a hydrangea? Oakleaf Hydrangeas are the most shade-tolerant of the bunch. They will bloom even in partial shade, but are often grown predominantly for the interesting foliage for which they are named... oak-leaf-shaped leaves that turn a striking red and purple in fall.

Here are the Hydrangeas which are available from the Plant Club right now.

Celebrating Pollinators

Every week should be Pollinator Week in our gardens, because birds, bees, butterflies, beetles, moths and flies are critical to our ecosystem. We're celebrating them because they make such important contributions to our ecosystem and sustainable food supply. And they are beautiful!

Native plants are key to providing a wildlife friendly garden. Native plants, shrubs, and trees provide nectar and pollen to native bees and other insects that are in severe decline. And they offer food, protection, and housing not only for insects, but also for spiders, birds, amphibians, reptiles, small and large mammals.

By adding these pollinator-friendly plants to your garden, you could help create a "pollinator corridor" which is series of yards, open spaces and communities with native plants that connects different areas of habitat. This provides nutrition and homes for pollinators. A common example is milkweed, which is necessary for monarch butterflies as they migrate. Milkweed used to be found commonly along roads and open areas but has been greatly reduced or eliminated over the years.

Check out our list of most-ordered natives and some of our very favorites:

Here are the Illinois Natives currently available from the Plant Club.

More than Just the Background

Take Your Garden to the Next Level with Grasses

Grasses will take your garden to the next level. These plants are among our favorite items for four-season intrigue, and can take the place of other more expensive and typical evergreens in many cases.

Look in any garden design book or go to a botanic garden and you’re sure to see beautiful grasses, in a multitude of heights and colors. It doesn’t matter what season you visit – there’s always ornamental grasses, plumes of grey, taupe, green and even red and purple, setting off the flowers and other greens around them.

Groundcovers Solve All Your Problems

If you choose the right type of groundcover for your garden, it will grow and grow and not require a lot of maintenance. Not many other things in a garden can deliver such a big punch without major effort. But a good groundcover is even better than that! It won't complain if you put it in the shade (where many other plants won't thrive), and it will keep unwanted plants out of the way while giving you a beautiful living carpet where you would otherwise have bare ground.

There are lots of groundcovers to consider, but the classics include: Ajuga reptans (Bugleweed), Pachysandra terminalis, Vinca minor, and Euonymus fortunei.

Mulch Makes You Look Like a Genius

It's always a good time to add mulch and soil to your garden beds. Mulch is great for your plants. It adds nutrients to the soil, helps it retain moisture (so you don't have to water as often), prevents soil compaction, insulates the soil from hot or cold conditions and suppresses weed growth. It even looks good!

Book a delivery now and our partner, the Mulch Center, will deliver your order to you. Take advantage of our negotiated cubic yard and delivery rates for Club members. Shoot us a note at and we can help you place an order.

You just found a better way to get great plants!

Join the club (it's free), and let us help you get the plants you want -- fresh from the nursery -- without all the hassle and expense of retail!

Need Help?

If you need extra help, shoot us a note at and we'll work through situations by email or phone, or share the names of some great teammates who can efficiently and affordably help you plan a new area in your garden, or coach you on how to care for what you have -- a great option for a new homeowner who inherited a garden but isn't quite sure what to do with it, how to expand on it, or how to care for it!

About Me

Alison grew up in the North Shore suburbs, and after college, had a career in specialty food sales. She resides in Barrington with her husband and 2 children. Owner, creator and designer at SewSpicy - sewing unique handmade crafted quilts, t-shirt quilts, custom personal and home goods. In her spare time she enjoys experimenting in her own flower and vegetable garden. Joining the club has converged her passions -the love of color, texture, natural beauty, and food.

Join the Barrington Plant Club!

Join the club now and start adding great spring annuals, perennials, and shrubs to your wish list on the website! And feel free to reach out to if you have any questions or have a sizable order.

Sun Perennials Top 5

Plant 2024
Hydrangea arborescens 'Abetwo' INCREDIBALL 1
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' 2
Hydrangea paniculata 'Ilvobo' BOBO 3
Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' BLOOMSTRUCK 4
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' 5
View the full list

Full Shade Perennials Top 5

Plant 2024
Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Carpet' 1
Carex pensylvanica 2
Geranium maculatum 3
Begonia 'Dragon Wing Red' 4
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' 5
View the full list

Hosta Top 5

Plant 2024
Hosta 'Autumn Frost' 1
Hosta 'August Moon' 2
Hosta 'Guacamole' 3
Hosta 'Sum and Substance' 4
Hosta 'June' 5
View the full list

Illinois Native Top 5

Plant 2024
Carex pensylvanica 1
Geranium maculatum 2
Sporobolus heterolepis 3
Lobelia cardinalis 4
Athyrium filix-femina 5
View the full list

Grasses Top 5

Plant 2024
Carex pensylvanica 1
Sporobolus heterolepis 2
Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' 3
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold' 4
Sesleria autumnalis 5
View the full list

Shrubs Top 10

Plant 2024
Buxus 'Glencoe' 1
Buxus 'Green Velvet' 2
Hydrangea arborescens 'Abetwo' INCREDIBALL 3
Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' 4
Hydrangea paniculata 'Ilvobo' BOBO 5
Hydrangea macrophylla 'PIIHM-II' BLOOMSTRUCK 6
Hydrangea paniculata 'Dvppinky' PINKY-WINKY 7
Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight Prime' 8
Viburnum dentatum var. deamii 'Glitters & Glows' 9
Lavandula angustifolia 'Munstead' 10
View the full list


Barrington is our newest plant club location... but we've been helping people get affordable access to great plants on the North Shore since 2018.

Here's what they say about the Plant Club:

The hostas you delivered last week are amazing. Can't imagine anything better from any of the retail shops around here!

You saved me nearly $1000 on my new boxwood hedge compared with what I would have spent at [redacted]!

Remember that Fire & Ice Hosta you got me for $5.75? I was up at one of my regular places this weekend and the same plant was almost $25!

The impatiens that I ordered from you were absolutely gorgeous! And the rose bushes are doing beautifully.

We've loved participating the last few years! We terraced our back yard this week & have planting spaces to fill. We are so excited to be a part of the club again this year!

Buy a gift certificate

A Plant Club Gift Certificate is the perfect gift for a birthday, Mother's Day, or any day!

Want to create a great garden in a specific color scheme?

Use the Plant Club Color Wheel of Plants to find plants in every color you can imagine, allowing you to combine color shades, textures and growing patterns to create the garden of your dreams.

Useful Articles About Plants & Gardening

We're always collecting useful gardening articles to support new and experienced gardeners. We now have assembled nearly 800 of them, arranged in an easy to use way. Please share any interesting gardening articles you come across to and we will add them to our site!

Where to see plants!

Chicago's official motto is Urbs in horto (meaning "City in a Garden"). Here are some of the best places to see gardens in and around the city!

Interactive Landscapes

Educational Plant Photography

If you can't get out to an arboretum or botanic garden, never fear -- we have tons of education and inspiration for you! If you're looking to design your own planters, check out our container, planters and hanging basket photo gallery. The plants in our interactive landscapes are tagged, so you can explore them at your leisure -- asking "What's that plant?" -- no matter how cold it is outside.

Want to help us make the world a better place?

Share your knowledge, skills (or even your enthusiastic lack of these)... Email us to help the Plant Club help others become better in the garden. Or share photos of your yard or from your trips to other gardens near or far!

© North Shore Plant Club 2025. Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions.

Limited Availability

We try very hard to source exactly what you’d like, but sometimes growers run out of plants! While this variety is a great deal at the price shown, we know that it has limited availability. If you want the plant even if it might be more expensive, or in a different size or quantity -- after you place your order, just send us a quick note at Then, we’ll try to get you some version of this from one of our growers. And if we can’t get it from anywhere, of course, we’ll send a refund!

Field-Grown vs. Greenhouse-Grown Plants

Plants which are well-adapted to our local climate are most often field-grown (outside). Field-grown plants are generally cheaper and have the advantage of already somewhat acclimated to our cold winters, but that means they’re not artificially far along in the spring and tend to bloom at the normal time in our area.

Spring annuals and tender perennials are typically grown in Greenhouses so they can be ready and luxurious exactly when customers want them. Some perennials are also “forced” into early bloom in greenhouses. In May, there can be a very big difference between field-grown and greenhouse-grown plants of the same type. The latter typically look good right away (so they’re a great choice where that’s important), but we typically pay a premium for it.

Benefits of Membership

Want a better way to get great plants and make your yard look awesome? Create your account below and get:

  • The best plants… from the same sources the pros use, but at near wholesale prices
  • More plants in more sizes than anywhere else… whether you’re looking for classics or rarities; annuals, perennials or shrubs; one plant or a whole yardful!
  • "No Contact" delivery or easy pick-up at a site near you without fighting the retail crowds. You choose!

Membership is free, but — since we rely on delivery and local pick-up — you have to live near one of our hubs (or be willing to drive to a site to pick them up). If you live farther away, and would like to help us bring the club to your neighbors, please email

Already a member?
